Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 1

The Journey
Day 1
            I just arrived at Heritage University after driving a hour from the Tri-Cities. My supplies I brought were a suitcase full of clothes, hygiene products, cards, reading material like the Shining and Dexter is Dead, canned tangerines, my Nikon camera, cell phone, and my trusty laptop. All hope was that the next two weeks are going to be full of adventure, knowledge, and of course, fun! As I arrived, I was greeted by White Swan High School attendees Clinton (science teacher), Crissy (science teacher), and Monet (Director of MESA Program). Introductions were made and some students from White Swan were hanging around the vans. We were waiting for other students and both Professor Blacks (father and daughter duo). Waiting around and enjoying the cool temperature before it got too hot. About a hour later Professor Jessica Black showed up with the Heritage University shuttle bus. We started with high school students going online to start their blog accounts as the college students Alden, Ibeth, Aleces, and myself separating supplies into two vans and a Suburban. For the trip, we would have plenty of cereal, granola bars, and Clorox to last us weeks. With the caravan of vehicles ready to hit the road, it was our turn to set up blog accounts which took a long time since Heritage’s internet blocked us from setting the accounts. We had to result to using our phones to finish making the accounts. By the time Mr. Black arrived with his camper, it was time to hit the road. The Alden had to ride with Professor Jessica Black leaving me with the rest of Heritage ladies.
            We left Heritage University heading south towards Goldendale were we had lunch before heading 6 hours to our camp spot. Crossing into Oregon over one of their many bridges left a beautiful view of the Columbia River. Driving down the highway and bumping to all sorts of music from Country to Hip-Hop and passing desert landscapes full of farms and houses on the side. One particular house caught my attention because of their parking lot full of Volkswagen buses and bugs. Slowly we passed singled out pine trees until we hit forest full of pines. We around at Bend, OR and headed further south into Deschutes National Forest to our campground were it had been raining for some time. I had some water in my tent but nothing to cry about.
            For dinner, the whole crew had spaghetti or lasagna which was very delicious for its consumption. Next we had to get ready for our big day with Oregon Forest Service. Everyone had to wake up at 6am so I made my bed with my sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows. I stayed awake while listening to rain drops hitting my tent. Cold air filled my tent as I buried myself deeper into my sleeping bag. I was glad to be in the forest away from civilization but indeed missing my love ones, Sheila and Sirius.

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